بررسی آلودگی با هیپودرما و ابتلا به هیپودرموز گاو و بز کشتارشده در کشتارگاه اصفهان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی






عنوان مقاله [English]


نویسندگان [English]

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چکیده [English]

 determining the rate of infestation and affection with consideration ofage and sex in cattle and goats. for this purpose, in cattle, the outer surface of skin, the inner surfaceof skin, esophageal submucosa and spinal canal and in goat, the outer surface of carcass and the innersurface of skin were examined for larvae of hypoderma. in this survey, 294 of cattle were examinedand only one animal showed infestation with hypoderma bovis l1, which observed in the spinal canal,in february and it was from fereydonshahr area. another one affected with hypoderma lineatum l3observed in june, which was from zarrinshahr area. the time of the fly activity in fereydonshahr andzarrinshahr was determined early and late in summer respectively. in this survey, no hypderma larvaeobserved in esophagus of examined animals. in cattle, with respect to the time of the fly activity, in twomentioned areas, the best time for using systemic larvicides to control of infestation is estimated in earlyand middle of autumn for fereydonshahr and zarrinshahr areas respectively. from 294 examined goats,151 (51.3%) cases were affected. in three seasons, summer, autumn and winter, 39(39.7%), 106(63.8%)and 6 (60%) affected goats were observed respectively. in goats, the minimum of affection (35.4%) wasobserved in september and the maximum of affection (71.1%) was observed in december. statistically,there was a significant relationship (p < 0.05) between the increase of age and affection rate in goats. interms of observing the larvae under skin of goats in shahreza and fereydonshahr areas, the best time forusing of systemic larvicides at these areas is determined in late summer and early of spring respectively.keywords: hypoderma, hypodermosis, cattle, goat, isfahan abattoir